Blog:From the Desk of Jean Lafitte
Jean Lafitte’s Halloween Tale
'Twas All Hallows' Eve on Lake Pontchartrain
Where ghost lights dance through the misty rain
My crew all whisper of spirits at night
While jack-o'-lanterns cast eerie light
The cypress trees drip with Spanish moss gray
As phantom pirates their secrets betray
My treasures lie scattered 'neath Louisiana ground
Where skeletal guardians still prowl around
So heed ye this warning on Halloween night
When crossing these waters by pale moonlight
For though I be gone these two hundred years
My ghostly crew still brings sailors to tears…
The Legend of Jean Lafitte: Pirate, Patriot, and New Orleans Icon
At Jean Lafitte House, we invite you to immerse yourself in the lore of this infamous privateer, whose daring exploits and complex legacy continue to captivate the imagination of visitors to the Crescent City.